Native speakers in over 160 languages

  • Native speakers in over 160 languages
  • Specialized translators
  • Innovative solutions for improved quality
  • A customized quote
  • The right quality standards: ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified
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Specialized translators in every language


The dedicated translators of Nimus translations live all over the world. Our translation heroes are all specialists in their fields and language combinations, each and every one of them. At Nimus, we always have someone in our network who has exactly the right knowledge of language and culture. These are the only people we trust to deliver a professional, responsible translation.

Nimus translations is the right address for translations into common and unusual languages. Our nearly three thousand specialized translators provide translations into over 160 languages. Wondering if we can provide a translation for you too? Feel free to request a quote!


“Nimus translations is where we go for reliable translations delivered quickly.”



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Would you like more information about our services? Feel free to contact us! Just send an email to or call us at +31 50-5844030.

You can also choose to leave your own phone number. One of our heroes will call you back as soon as possible!