How can a website translation boost your business?

Using website translations to open up borders

We don’t have to tell you why you made a website for your business. How can any business expect to survive without an online presence in this day and age? With a great website, anyone, anywhere, can find you and the services you offer.

If they speak your language, that is.

What good is the limitless potential of the internet, with its international reach and instant access, when you’ve limited your website to just one language? Whether you’re selling local wines from France, or offer digital marketing tips from Austria, or whether you’re a big player in the maritime industry from Japan, there’s a chance someone out there in the world is looking for your exact product or service. Offering a multilingual website is the best way to enable potential international customers to find you.

Still not convinced? Allow us to tell you just how a website translation will boost your business.


1. It shows professionalism


Expressing your international ambitions by offering your website in more than just one language shows you mean business. You have taken the time to open up your services to more than just one target audience. It shows you understand the needs of your visitors by opting for a website translation. Most users prefer to use a website in their mother tongue. Therefore, offering a translated website is a mark of a company that’s happy to cater to the needs of their customers. After all, user friendliness is the first step in creating a positive customer relationship.

Additionally, it shows that you have done your market research. You know where your audiences are, and what language they speak. Not only that, you know what their audiences are searching for, and how they’re searching for it. This is key to breaking into new markets.


2. It shows cultural understanding


A good translator will spot the nuances of your text, your brand identity, your intended audience, the hidden messages between the lines – in other words, they will understand the message you’re trying to convey, and mirror this message in the translation.

For example, if you have a slick, modern, fashionable sportswear brand aimed at high-performing athletes, you want the language on your website to reflect that. For the US English market, this means visual language, buzz words, loaded adjectives, and strategic punctuation. In these languages, this style suits the product and the audience. This same approach will be less effective in a language that’s more direct and to the point, such as German or Polish. Your flowery adjectives will seem excessive, and your punchy punctuation will fall flat.

Your German website should appeal to a German audience, translated by a native German speaker who knows what the sportswear market in Germany appreciates. You might make sportswear, but you sell performance, an image, an idea. Finding the right translator will reinforce that image in an international market.


3. It boosts your SEO


Software translation all across the worldLet’s return to the sportswear webshop example. Say you wanted to start advertising to a niche market, such as powerlifting, and you want to start selling powerlifting gloves. You have optimised your SEO so that your website ranks high when people look for “powerlifting gloves”, but what if they’re looking for “løftehandsker til styrkeløftere” in Denmark? Or what if you’re trying to sell heavy-duty dumbbells, but your potential Hungarian customers are looking for “súlyzók”?

So don’t alienate your potential customers by limiting yourself to your mother tongue. It’s a big world out there – let it in!

Looking for more concrete examples of how a website translation could help grow your business? Check out our recent case study on the translation for the webshop Bedrucktebueroklammern by Lautenbag Reclame. They increased their users by 16% after localizing their website to German in a more professional manner.

Want to find out how we did it? Click here for more, or download our eBook for more information on how to achieve success in Germany.

Have we convinced you of the benefits of a translated website? Contact us for more information on how we can help you.

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