Quotation translation

  • Our translators are industry experts
  • We exclusively use native speakers
  • Innovative translation software
  • ISO 9001, ISO 17100, ISO 18587 certified
  • Over 160 languages
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A detailed approach to translating quotes

It’s always a tricky situation to talk money. On the one hand, you want your information to be crystal clear, with no room for misunderstanding. On the other hand, cultural sensitivities play a huge part in how you want to approach a financial situation. That’s why preparing a quote for your company requires a great deal of care and insight. Translating a quote, by that token, should be given the same level of attention.


Industry experts in quotation translation

Financial content requires an in-depth knowledge of jargon and standard expressions within the industry. The last thing you want is proposed prices and services to be lost in translation. These proposals are crucial to your existence as a company, after all.

That’s we only use expert translators with experience in legal and financial translations for your quotation translation. That’s the only way we can ensure the specifics of your quote come across as intended. Factual accuracy is key, but of course, as a translation agency we also appreciate the value of a well-written text. One that sounds original, rather than translated. That’s why we insist on using native speakers for every language you select for your translations.


“Top notch as far as we’re concerned.”



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A personal approach

We understand that a quote can be the make or break of a potential project or job. As a company, you want to make a good impression, making it clear what you’re offering to your client or customer, and what they can expect. The reputation of your company can be affected by how your quote is perceived. That’s why we at Nimus translations work closely together with our clients to get to know them properly, so we understand your service as well as you do. Through this personal approach, we can ensure your quotes represent you


Certified translation agency

Nimus translations is ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified by the official Kiwa testing, inspection, and certification institute. As such, we comply with all the standards that are necessary in order to provide a correct translation. In order to guarantee consistently high quality, the translation work of a specialized translator is checked by an experienced editor. The editor reviews the translation for consistency, grammar, and the use of the correct terminology. Because at Nimus translations, we know all too well that small errors in a quotation can have dire consequences.

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Get in touch


Would you like more information about our services? Feel free to contact us! Just send an email to sales@nimus.nl or call us at +31 50-5844030.

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